Monday, December 31, 2007

A merry merry New Year

This is a blog, right?

It seems rather dead - like the crickets have been singing merrily here for a while. I guess this post *stamps mark* will take away the stigma of long-un-updated blog.

Welcome to the New Year, folks!
Admittedly, it's not the new year yet as I type this out; but the last day of the old year. Three cheers. I wonder how badly people are going to be partying tonight. But this is a collective blog - hence, let's talk about collective things. Serious things first.

School's in again for Reading starting January the second. Ah, there goes our late nights and mornings! Here come the various grumblings that come hand-in-hand with our days at law school!
Don't you hear the heavy trudging of feet and terrible groans from all of us? It's Asia Cafe again, or Cabana (let's flip a coin), the hot sun, tutorials and written work, and library. Bah!

Happy things.
The new year is often something people feel will bring a difference in their lives. It's like a new pair of shoes or a new pen - which will change the way your feet feel when you walk, or the way your handwriting looks when you write - same old thing but with the conscious feeling that something new has taken the place of the old. Ah, let's give ourselves a check and see how long we'll write '2007' instead of '2008' whenever the date needs writing.

And let's see how we stick to the new year's resolutions.
For a student, I imagine the need to resolve to study harder, watch less tv, and follow your timetable!
Or sleep less.
Or stop studying on the bed. Or, less Facebooking (!???!!).

And the list goes on and on.
For tonight, let's just count down the hours, minutes and seconds.

Happy New Year, Folks!!

Let the fireworks explode!

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

information centre

Hi! :]
How are your holidays? Hope they're a sizzling claypot of fun and laughs.
By the way, should we put up that pic above as our new blog banner?
Our current one is only meant to be temporary after all ;P ...
Anyway, to dress up this blog in a cloak of 'useful seriousness', this "Information Centre" blog label has been created to announce all the boring, serious stuff that we don't really care about but is worth noting anyway. ;P

Shall cut the opening ceremony ribbon by announcing that the generic feedback for the Consti & Admin Autumn written work is up on BB already.

And, in case anyone's wondering, spring term starts on Jan 2nd - not 3rd. We will keep you posted if we hear of any changes. A good direct source of accurate information would be a phone call to the Taylor's Law Office.

Feel free to use the "info centre" label whenever you want to share an announcement. :]

- Information Centre, over and out -

Sunday, December 9, 2007

Saturday, December 8, 2007

Ah, if I was in England or any other country with cold winters I would shiver and shudder a bit at the wind, and blow on my hands and say: 'Blimey! But ain't it freezing!!'

Yeah, take a listen, smooth the ruffles on your forehead, and breathe.

do you remember?

Friday, December 7, 2007

Oh, happenings. What else? HAPPY HOLIDAYS

It's my turn, and it's now or never.
I ain't got hols forever.
I just wanna blog while I got time,
& mood, minus guilt.
(Oh well. Where dya think this comes from?)

Saturday today, and inspiration, the zest of life, the realisation that the holidays have descended upon us, 3 weeks in succession - is truly, fully digestible.

Okay, i am making a mountain out of a molehill, you may think - but it's true that when you've worked harder than a dog for two and a little over months - the playing hard is like a windfall.

And I will give you 'my take' (quote unqoute Mr Joseph) on yesterday.
But first of all, let us give a big round of applause to out most devoted stylist of this blog - Sha-Lene!!

* Clap Clap Clap Clap*

I'm sorry for the no-photo show this time, because - the USB cable is MIA.

Never mind.

You'll just have to bear with it - the USB cable, I mean.

Taylor's Open Day was running full blast yesterday. They had people selling Nestle (cornflakes going for five bucks), people handing out V-I-C-O (remember the advert?) and a bored guy beckoning towards the Nescafe. Oh man. Talk about moodless.
It was raining, and the skies were grey, that shouldn't put one off.

It was exhilarating because yesterday was the last day of college! I mean university. Law school. And after Equity and Trusts tutorial, it was just that - nada, nothing to think about except what to do with your time.

And the rain poured. I was, and had been - eyeing the Nescafe van before the tutorial - and nobody, mind you NOBODY was interested in going down with me to get a fix of it.
And then, when we finally did get down there, Rachel was sipping just as hard as me.

Next scene: In the darkness of LT7
Judge John Deed is not a menacing fellow. In fact, he's a jolly kind one. And a just one. And I might mention, a bit of a ladies' man.

Now who would have thought that of a judge?

So straight and serious.

(Most of em are men).

For all their law and order. And wigs.

We are sitting in the darkness, and suddenly, Mei Chieng wants her bag.

She's sitting in front, while her bag is on the table behind her.
Picture LT7. Stairs of seating. One table higher, one step up.
She reaches for her bag, and doesn't see the coffee cup beside it in the darkness - and whoosh, over it goes.
The table is chocolate brown.

How to clean it up?
Subie dumps her newspaper upon the offending stain.
Mei Chieng signals apologies in the dark.
We resume watching.

Later: Sunway Pyramid
Ah, the parking. The green lights marking empty lots and the red ones - occupied - intrigued us. We even waited for a it after the car emptied the lot for us to move in - simply to see whether the red would turn green.

And it did!!!

Sha-Lene's already talked about the movie we watched - which we rushed through lunch for.
After we called it a day for the movie, everything moved more quickly. The end drops on us, and we were just going back. In Tsu Ming's car.

Rolling, rolling, rolling in the traffic jam.
Tsu Ming does not believe in the law of attraction. And Faan Jin believes in flying cars. So when there is a traffic jam, all we have to do is not think anymore about it (lest it get worse) and try to catch a flying car instead.

Yeah baby, yeah.
It's the end of school days, after all.


H.A.P.P.Y. H.O.L.I.D.A.Y.S.

why I love josh groban

While I'm in a blogging mood, I might as well share some more songs with you. :]

Besides my favourite artist, I reckon you might like these songs:

"It's an alethiometer. It tells the truth." - Master of Jordan

Hullo, Darlings and friends! :]

It looks like Cheryl and Rachel have both been actively blogging, and words cannot express how delighted I am! Mei Chieng's given her word that she'll, and I quote, "definitely be blogging" -- while Faan Jin is ... bound to want to. Eventually.


Today was the last day of Semester 1, and we've now officially embraced the Christmas break with arms wide open! Hahaha! A bunch of us went to celebrate [surviving half of Year 2] in Sunway Pyramid, with a lunch and a movie.

Mei Chieng (Darling #5 of this weblog group) said, "Hey I'll meet you guys there" ... but then ... FFK us at the eleventh hour! -_-" So, babe, you missed out on a great time la.

It took forever for both cars to find parking spots, and even longer to decide on a restaurant. I seriously thought I was going to start retching from the accumulated 9 hours of acidic stomach juices. In the end, we settled for Esquire Kitchen. It was a close toss between the only two decisive people in the group: Joanne for ramen noodles and Rachel for Esquire.

It is established that Rachel won. :]

After lunch, we had to super rush to the movie and .......... I didn't buy popcorn! Oh my goodness! It's such a wretchedly big deal for me, especially since my entire purpose for going to cinemas is to eat the popcorn! T_T And you know what? We were late for the movie ANYWAY. Daarrrrrn. For someone who practically preaches punctuality, I dunno why I have been successfully arriving late for every movie I've been to the cinema for, since, like, Die Hard 2.0..

The Golden Compass was absolutely brilliant! A must-watch for all fantasy lovers. Not a movie for everyone though, some people didn't enjoy it for its "illogicality" and how it "isn't real". Like I said ... for the fantasy lovers. :]


RM10 well-spent. I've never been to a movie with Joanne, Soo Tian, and Tsu Ming before. 'Tis the experience money cannot buy. Hehe! They were fun to hang out with. :] In addition to the Equity's Darlings lah, of course.

Seriously - movie was gooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooood.

The James Bond actor was smokin' hot, Nicole Kidman was splendidly beautiful, and the little girl was really really pretty and a pretty good actress!! :] I can't wait to watch the next two movies of the trilogy!!!!

After the movie, it was like 6pm already and almost everyone had to call it a day. So we hugged the lot goodbye and yelled out happy hols -- then Rachel and I scooted off to The Curve for Happy Hour.
We drank a lot of alcohol and drove dangerously home. We even got DUI-ed.
We went to The Curve and I met her parents! HAHAHA so the opposite of getting pissed. Her family was having dinner at Kim Gary's ... but by then I was too beat for Asian cuisine (personally, Hong Kong food is just ... blah~) ... so we went off to eat in another restaurant. This one called out to us in a hallelujah chorus:

We had the Three-For-All and the MOCHA MUD PIE. Effing fantastic.

The Curve is incredibly beautiful right now, and it's lined up with activities in light of the Christmas season. So, if you're feeling bored at home, you can check out some of their events!

Very, very late by the time I got home ... so late to the point that my mum called me and said, "Eh, still don't want to come home ah?" ... hahahhaha ... it's a blast to hang out with Rachel! :D

On a final note, I've finally figured out how to upload self-playing songs (see top right corner of blogging frame)!! :] Below are the lyrics in case you feel tempted to do a sing-along. :P

"Welcome To Wherever You Are"

Jon Bon Jovi

Maybe we're different, but we're still the same
We all got the blood of Eden, running through our veins
I know sometimes it's hard for you to see
You come between just who you are and who you wanna be
If you feel alone, and lost and need a friend
Remember every new beginning, is some beginning's end

Welcome to wherever you are
This is your life, you made it this far
Welcome, you gotta believe
That right here right now,
you're exactly where you're supposed to be
Welcome, to wherever you are

When everybody's in, and you're left out
And you feel your drowning, in a shadow of a doubt
Everyones a miracle in their own way
Just listen to yourself, not what other people say
When it seems you're lost, alone and feeling down
Remember everybody's differentJust take a look around


Be who you want to, be who you are
Everyones a hero, everyones a star
When you wanna give up, and your hearts about to break
Remember that you're perfect, God makes no mistakes


Until next time, take care and enjoy your December! :]

xoxo, Sha-Lene

Thursday, December 6, 2007

"Leaving on a jet plane".....i am listening to it againa and again.. so happy!!!

Holiday's coming ....yay....just tomorrow!!!....

At this very moment, I feel so good. Hard times are so over now....everything's over and ends here(7th December 2007). I truly endure this moment.(currently 1.49 am)

Year 2008, I hereby await you. I just can't wait to see you!!

I would like to thank all equity's darlings , my dear dear friends. You girls are just so sweet and unique in your own ways. Your company has given me warmth and I cherish the moments we spend together. Hehe....don mean to make it too dramatic but overall thank you..:)

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

*Rachel thinks.

(Cheryl: Rachel's mad on yoyos - she just accepted the invitation and remains speechless while she digests it all in)

jet planes & tomorrows

In about 9 months, we'll be singing this song:
"I'm Leaving On A Jet Plane"
All my bags are packed
Im ready to go
Im standin here outside your door
I hate to wake you up to say goodbye
But the dawn is breakin
Its early morn
The taxis waitin
Hes blowin his horn
Already Im so lonesome I could die
So kiss me and smile for me
Tell me that youll wait for me
Hold me like youll never let me go
cause Im leavin on a jet plane
Dont know when Ill be back again
Oh babe, I hate to go
Theres so many times Ive let you down
So many times Ive played around
I tell you now, they dont mean a thing
Evry place I go, Ill think of you
Evry song I sing, Ill sing for you
When I come back, Ill bring your wedding ring
So kiss me and smile for me
Tell me that youll wait for me
Hold me like youll never let me go
cause Im leavin on a jet plane
Dont know when Ill be back again
Oh babe, I hate to go
Now the time has come to leave you
One more time
Let me kiss you
Then close your
I'll be on my way
Dream about the days to come
When I wont have to leave alone
About the times, I wont have to say
Oh, kiss me and smile for me
Tell me that youll wait for me
Hold me like youll never let me go
cause Im leavin on a jet plane
Dont know when Ill be back again
Oh babe, I hate to go
But, Im leavin on a jet plane
Dont know when Ill be back again
Oh babe, I hate to go
Words and music by john denver
But for now, let us sing this one!
The sun'll come out
Bet your bottom dollar
That tomorrow
There'll be sun!
Just thinkin' about
Clears away the cobwebs,
And the sorrow
'Til there's none!
When I'm stuck a day
That's gray,
And lonely,
I just stick out my chin
And Grin,
And Say,
Oh! The sun'll come out
So ya gotta hang on
'Til tomorrow
Come what may
I love ya
You're only
A day away!

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

And Ladies and Gentlemen.....Land Law!

Greetings. I wonder what on earth I can post which is of community interest, as opposed to personal.

Well, Land Law it is, then.

'Coz I'm leaaaaaaving, on a jet plane.. don't know when I'll be back again..'

Isn't that the classic formulae to get someone to cling hard to you?

(whether it succeeds or fails depends on whether people buy it). Yes, that's a song. And it happens to be in my head.
Have been workin' it on Land Law today. A judge in criminal law once shook his head at a test (one of those tests given to the jury to apply- to see whether the defendant is guilty) - because he said it would give the jury too much 'mental gymnastics'.

Ah, now that's an interesting one.

I could say I've been doing 'mental gymnastics' all morning too.
On Land Law, that is. Controlled by the word limits, confined by time, confused by the various sections that frame....... Land Registration!

Yeah let's all scream in unison.

Whenever anybody does anything with property, they're paying lawyers to do 'mental gymnastics' - but I'm not sure how hard the gymnastics are here, in the hot Malaysian sun, because they don't practise land registration as a system.

Let's screech to a halt here, excuse me indeed, while I go back to doing aha, the fine art of 'mental gymnastics'.

the beginning of beginnings

Hi everyone!

Everybody give a round of applause to Cheryl for kick-starting the blogging process! :]

*clap clap clap*

It's a Tuesday afternoon right now, and as of 4.30pm I've ripped off one of the few "free" banners off the Internet and tweaked it to suit the theme of this weblog. Do you like it? :P

I suppose nobody besides Cheryl and I will be blogging this week, considering this is our general motto:

How's your Land Law assignment going? :D :D :D

But I'll slot in some "precatory words" right here, right now and say "I'm fully confident that the other darlings will start jump on the blogging bandwagon, especially over the Christmas break!".'s down right now ... I reckon I'll do my bit in introducing us (while waiting to publish this post). :] All right - so here goes! I understand that Equity's Darlings is a curious name, but it's one that we - well, I, at least - are particularly fond of. About a month ago, in a Trusts Law lecture, we learned the term "equity's darling" as a sort of nickname for the "bona fide purchaser of a legal estate for valuable consideration without notice - whether actual, constructive or imputed - of the equitable interest". :]

Origins of the blog name aside ('s matter of fact, you never know when we might just change the blog title/address, haha!), the authors of this blog consist of five girls, between the ages of 18 to 20, all classmates in the same law school and good friends: Cheryl, Faan Jin, Mei Chieng, Rachel, and myself - Sha-Lene. :]

We started this blog just for laughs, really - blogging is a sport and a snapshot of time, something for us to look back on, perhaps years from now, and ... remember. So here's to wonderful memories and even better times ahead!

Until next time, you have my love! :]

Sha-Lene :)

Sunday, December 2, 2007

Don't blame me for how depressingly dreary this sounds

Heya people.
Sha-Lene created this blog for the purposes of all our frantic doings - in law school and out of it - so I gather that it would be just as well that I put something long on the screen when it gets accessed.

So how has the weekend been?
Rush, rush, rush, rush on tutorials. After a round of badminton on Friday - in which I managed to hit a shuttlecock on top of the ledge (or whatever you call it) - but these things happen.
No matter which way you want to look at it.

And then, I guess I had sleep. Next week is the hols, and that is what we, law students, are all aiming our gleaming greedy eyes at - for loads of empty time.

But even then, we would still have to prepare for bla bla bla, and bla of work - which seemingly never ends.

Second December as I write this, which signals the closeness of the end of year 2007. People, start making your new year resolutions, and dieting in order to binge on Christmas pudding and New Year goodies.

Also, gotta drive safely.
But in the meantime, gotta lose some more sleep on written work and tutorials.

That's working like a dog for ya.

*Grumbles* The timing on this post is all wrong