Wednesday, December 19, 2007

information centre

Hi! :]
How are your holidays? Hope they're a sizzling claypot of fun and laughs.
By the way, should we put up that pic above as our new blog banner?
Our current one is only meant to be temporary after all ;P ...
Anyway, to dress up this blog in a cloak of 'useful seriousness', this "Information Centre" blog label has been created to announce all the boring, serious stuff that we don't really care about but is worth noting anyway. ;P

Shall cut the opening ceremony ribbon by announcing that the generic feedback for the Consti & Admin Autumn written work is up on BB already.

And, in case anyone's wondering, spring term starts on Jan 2nd - not 3rd. We will keep you posted if we hear of any changes. A good direct source of accurate information would be a phone call to the Taylor's Law Office.

Feel free to use the "info centre" label whenever you want to share an announcement. :]

- Information Centre, over and out -

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