Tuesday, December 4, 2007

the beginning of beginnings

Hi everyone!

Everybody give a round of applause to Cheryl for kick-starting the blogging process! :]

*clap clap clap*

It's a Tuesday afternoon right now, and as of 4.30pm I've ripped off one of the few "free" banners off the Internet and tweaked it to suit the theme of this weblog. Do you like it? :P

I suppose nobody besides Cheryl and I will be blogging this week, considering this is our general motto:

How's your Land Law assignment going? :D :D :D

But I'll slot in some "precatory words" right here, right now and say "I'm fully confident that the other darlings will start jump on the blogging bandwagon, especially over the Christmas break!".

Blogger.com's down right now ... I reckon I'll do my bit in introducing us (while waiting to publish this post). :] All right - so here goes! I understand that Equity's Darlings is a curious name, but it's one that we - well, I, at least - are particularly fond of. About a month ago, in a Trusts Law lecture, we learned the term "equity's darling" as a sort of nickname for the "bona fide purchaser of a legal estate for valuable consideration without notice - whether actual, constructive or imputed - of the equitable interest". :]

Origins of the blog name aside ('s matter of fact, you never know when we might just change the blog title/address, haha!), the authors of this blog consist of five girls, between the ages of 18 to 20, all classmates in the same law school and good friends: Cheryl, Faan Jin, Mei Chieng, Rachel, and myself - Sha-Lene. :]

We started this blog just for laughs, really - blogging is a sport and a snapshot of time, something for us to look back on, perhaps years from now, and ... remember. So here's to wonderful memories and even better times ahead!

Until next time, you have my love! :]

Sha-Lene :)

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