Friday, December 7, 2007

Oh, happenings. What else? HAPPY HOLIDAYS

It's my turn, and it's now or never.
I ain't got hols forever.
I just wanna blog while I got time,
& mood, minus guilt.
(Oh well. Where dya think this comes from?)

Saturday today, and inspiration, the zest of life, the realisation that the holidays have descended upon us, 3 weeks in succession - is truly, fully digestible.

Okay, i am making a mountain out of a molehill, you may think - but it's true that when you've worked harder than a dog for two and a little over months - the playing hard is like a windfall.

And I will give you 'my take' (quote unqoute Mr Joseph) on yesterday.
But first of all, let us give a big round of applause to out most devoted stylist of this blog - Sha-Lene!!

* Clap Clap Clap Clap*

I'm sorry for the no-photo show this time, because - the USB cable is MIA.

Never mind.

You'll just have to bear with it - the USB cable, I mean.

Taylor's Open Day was running full blast yesterday. They had people selling Nestle (cornflakes going for five bucks), people handing out V-I-C-O (remember the advert?) and a bored guy beckoning towards the Nescafe. Oh man. Talk about moodless.
It was raining, and the skies were grey, that shouldn't put one off.

It was exhilarating because yesterday was the last day of college! I mean university. Law school. And after Equity and Trusts tutorial, it was just that - nada, nothing to think about except what to do with your time.

And the rain poured. I was, and had been - eyeing the Nescafe van before the tutorial - and nobody, mind you NOBODY was interested in going down with me to get a fix of it.
And then, when we finally did get down there, Rachel was sipping just as hard as me.

Next scene: In the darkness of LT7
Judge John Deed is not a menacing fellow. In fact, he's a jolly kind one. And a just one. And I might mention, a bit of a ladies' man.

Now who would have thought that of a judge?

So straight and serious.

(Most of em are men).

For all their law and order. And wigs.

We are sitting in the darkness, and suddenly, Mei Chieng wants her bag.

She's sitting in front, while her bag is on the table behind her.
Picture LT7. Stairs of seating. One table higher, one step up.
She reaches for her bag, and doesn't see the coffee cup beside it in the darkness - and whoosh, over it goes.
The table is chocolate brown.

How to clean it up?
Subie dumps her newspaper upon the offending stain.
Mei Chieng signals apologies in the dark.
We resume watching.

Later: Sunway Pyramid
Ah, the parking. The green lights marking empty lots and the red ones - occupied - intrigued us. We even waited for a it after the car emptied the lot for us to move in - simply to see whether the red would turn green.

And it did!!!

Sha-Lene's already talked about the movie we watched - which we rushed through lunch for.
After we called it a day for the movie, everything moved more quickly. The end drops on us, and we were just going back. In Tsu Ming's car.

Rolling, rolling, rolling in the traffic jam.
Tsu Ming does not believe in the law of attraction. And Faan Jin believes in flying cars. So when there is a traffic jam, all we have to do is not think anymore about it (lest it get worse) and try to catch a flying car instead.

Yeah baby, yeah.
It's the end of school days, after all.


H.A.P.P.Y. H.O.L.I.D.A.Y.S.

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